Fix Those Tabs!

Send your tabs to me to fix! Just submit the form on the lessons page as if you were inquiring about lessons.  Name the piece or song and add a link the the tab or a PDF file etc. I won’t write a new transcription, but I will tell you where the mistakes are! Whether it’s the wrong key, wrong chords, wrong notes in notation or tab, or anything else. Please allow several days depending on the music.  All free for you.

Bistro Fada Transcription (Lead)-6 Pages


Since I posted a video of this piece on YouTube last year there have been numerous requests for a transcription.  Here is one. This is strictly my interpretation of Mr. Wrembel’s work–I did not attempt to copy his fingerings exactly. However, I did try to represent the parts well, including the 3rd section, which was not included in the first recordings I heard. I did not transcribe the rhythm part. There are some posts of this available on the web, though I can’t vouch for their accuracy.  Keep in mind that not every recording has exactly the same chord progression.

I hope this is helpful!




Bistro Fada Page 1

Bistro Fada Page 2

Bistro Fada Page  3

Bistro Fada Page 4

Bistro Fada Page 5

Bistro Fada Page 6

Bistro Fada