Bistro Fada Transcription (Lead)-6 Pages


Since I posted a video of this piece on YouTube last year there have been numerous requests for a transcription.  Here is one. This is strictly my interpretation of Mr. Wrembel’s work–I did not attempt to copy his fingerings exactly. However, I did try to represent the parts well, including the 3rd section, which was not included in the first recordings I heard. I did not transcribe the rhythm part. There are some posts of this available on the web, though I can’t vouch for their accuracy.  Keep in mind that not every recording has exactly the same chord progression.

I hope this is helpful!




Bistro Fada Page 1

Bistro Fada Page 2

Bistro Fada Page  3

Bistro Fada Page 4

Bistro Fada Page 5

Bistro Fada Page 6